Monday, April 6, 2009

Response #3

Again, i must say that i have enjoyed our discussions. i may even had a new favorite part of american history. there were a few things that i thought were interesting about the topic weve been discussing lately.
first, i found the documentay that we watched on McNemara (Spelling?) very interesting. it is really erie to hear the way that they thought about vietnam back then. there was somthing that struck me more than anything else though. what i took from lecture was that in this documentary McNemara was basically saying...yeah, we made these mistakes, but even that is better than a full on war with the russians. while i cant say that i disagree with that assesment it begs a very important question. why did there have to be a war at all? how about we ust dont bomb the H#ll out of North Vietnam and dont have a war with North Vietnam or Russia.
Second, is the fact that the cold war was not menttioned untill the very last lecture on the war, and even then it was only relatively lightly mentioned. i am taking another Amcult class on the cold war and in that class vietnam was taught as still a very central part of the vietnam war. im not saying there is a problem with either class, just that it is an interesting comparison.
Finally, i am going to be presenting in section this week so i look forward to more grat discussion!

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