Thursday, April 23, 2009

Reflection #3

Before this class I never really realized how much the "We" has changed over the course of U.S. history. I have taken a number of US history courses, and I have been aware of the discrimination which people such as the Irish and African American's have faced, but I looked at it in depth, like I have in this class. I have learned that ever since we have landed on American soil, we have been excluding others from our way of life, and depriving them from basic rights. We like to think that we have come along way since forcing Indians off land, and enslaving African Americans, and in many ways we have, but we do still discriminate against certain races.

As mentioned in class before, it seems like we define being American, and the "We" by who is excluded. When looking back on this course I can not think of a time, when Americans have not discriminated against a race or religion. Although we no longer enslave others, we still treat people from different races poorly, and often stereotype others. Although we have taken great steps towards being more accepting, and less discriminatory. Although I hope that we are heading in the right direction I also feel that as a country we still have a long way to go before we can truly say that we treat everyone equality

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