Thursday, April 23, 2009

Reflection 4

I want to sum up some of the things this class has taught me.  I realize that the type of history I was taught in high school left out many details about what was going on at home and solely focused on the government and the war itself.  I enjoyed learning about the impact it had on society much more than just about the occurrences of the war.  Learning what was going on at home helped me connect the past to the present which was the link that was missing from my knowledge of history.  Coming into the class I expected it to be like all the other history classes I've taken and didn't think there was much more to tell, but I was definitely wrong.  The way this class made a full circle from the part to the present and connecting it together throughout really helped me understand that times have changed drastically but there are still many factors that have stayed the same.  Also, I feel like I received a non-biased view of the past.  IN previous classes I would only learn about what we felt and how war affected the white population.  In this class I learned much more about how war affected both sides.  I also, learned about how it affected the different genders and races which I had never touched on in previous classes.  Before I was taught the happy side of history where America was always the good guy and we never did anything wrong.  Now my view has been widened to see that even our nation makes mistakes.


  1. I agree with you about highschool history courses. Until this class I never realized the other side of the story. I have always been told how great our country was, and got the impression that everything we did was the right thing. But thruogh this class I have learned that alot of what we have done in the past has imposed problems on others.

  2. I had the same experience with this class. I did not expect it to expose all aspects of our history, not just the ones that our history books taught us in high school. This class also led me to question how I have been taught everything up until now.
