Thursday, April 23, 2009

Reflection 4

I have always enjoyed U.S. history, but this class made me look at our country's past very differently. I do not feel like the things I have learned in the past were necessarily wrong, but I feel that through grade school, high school, and even some college courses, a lot has been left out about the history of our country, and how we have treated others. As a country we have prided ourselves on democracy and equal rights, yet we do not exhibit these qualities. We constantly are pushing others to the side, and making others suffer, so we can be more successful. This is something I never realized before this course.

I also didn't realize how much gender roles have played a role in American history. I always knew they existed but I never knew to which extent they were taken. Throughout the entire course gender roles existed and to some point they still exist today. Americans pride themselves on Manliness, men are seen as being strong and powerful, while women are seen the be responsible and thought of the be the caregivers. Although gender roles are not as prevalent in today's society as they have been in the past, they are still very much in existence.

Overall, I really enjoyed this class. I feel that I have learned a lot about our nations history, and the formation of our national identity. I have learned how the national identity changes quite often, and it is the people of our country who define the national identity. This class was a great course on the Culture of America and how we got to where we are today.

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