Thursday, March 5, 2009


as far as the second month of this class has been going, i still am really enjoying it. i would like to thank everyone in my section for being so good about participating. i have been in sections before where that was not the case. i have really enjoyed getting to discuss all of these issue with you guys and the discussion has really helped me to better understand the issue. Also, i think all of the presenters have been doing a really good job, and i have left each section feeling like i had a better understanding of the material. i dont know about any of you but i am really looking forward to the last part of this course. i am a huge history buff and we are getting into my favorite part of american history WWII. i think that this section will be particularly interesting given the correlation it has with current events.
I musta admit i did struggle with early 1900's a bit as we were discussing them in class. i understood everything pretty well, just not as intuitively as some of the other material. i think that this has a lot to do with the fact that this material was less intersting to me. I must admit that if WWII is my favorite part of american history, the early part of the twentieth centrury is my least favorite, and it is often easier to learn/understand material that has an interst to you.
see you all in discussion!

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