2. Why do you think settlement houses went out of use after WWII?
3. Why didn’t the government bother to Americanize African Americans?
4. Why do you think people felt so ashamed of their own poverty?
5. Do you see any of the same situations today as during the era of the Great Depression?
6. Why do you think Dorothea Lange kept finding herself at odds with her employer?
7. How could the formal properties of a photograph (color, line, shape, etc) contribute to its communication of “a specific point of view?”
8. What did Dixon’s photo manipulations reveal about the cultural climate he lived in? What do contemporary photo manipulation practices reveal about our culture today?
"Man working on hull of U.S. submarine at Electric Boat Co., Groton, Conn."
Lt. Comdr. Charles Fenno Jacobs, August 1943.
Link: http://www.archives.gov/research/ww2/photos/images/ww2-24.jpg
Photographed in 1926 in Chicago, IL
title and author unknown
Link: http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://pro.corbis.com/images/VV1505.jpg%3Fsize%3D67%26uid%3D%257B669CFB9B-51D0-456D-BB6B-D88BE517448C%257D&imgrefurl=http://pro.corbis.com/search/Enlargement.aspx%3FCID%3Disg%26mediauid%3D%257B669CFB9B-51D0-456D-BB6B-D88BE517448C%257D&usg=__nL_NMoLuhH3TsX5qwnML0XLgerQ=&h=480&w=335&sz=50&hl=en&start=16&tbnid=6534CMmScXeqYM:&tbnh=129&tbnw=90&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dflappers%2Bdoing%2Bthe%2Bcharleston%2B1920s%26hl%3Den%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official%26sa%3DG

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