Monday, March 2, 2009

Amos and Andy Reflection

I absolutely agree with what everyone said. This cartoon video clip epitomizes the exaggerated stereotypes created by the white man in order to strengthen the color line. These African American men were portrayed as uneducated, animalistic and as more of a source of entertainment than human beings. I too am unsurprised by the "dumb" dialect of the characters. It exemplifies the racial hierarchy created in this country. Unfortunately, if I had only listened to this clip and did not watch it, I could have guessed the race of the characters. This thus proves the prevalence of color line. Since the clip was created in 1934 I must assume that there is a connection to the end of the Great Depression and the beginning of World War II. I'm assuming that white men who lost their jobs were fearful of professional competition, and therefore created such stereotypes to keep the black race out of the running for good jobs.

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