Saturday, January 31, 2009

Reflection #1

I thought the most interesting point brought up thus far in the course is how throughout all the readings we seem to use identities of others to try and find our own"identity". In the case of the Native Americans we see a flip flop, first in Playing Indian, we use the cultural aspects to show Britain that we are different, new, and no longer willing to let them rule over us. After succeeding we then decide we no longer want to work peacefully with the Natives. Killing Custer shows a more vivid side of this, where instead of praising the culture of the natives, we see them as savage and a threat that needs to be "dealt with". It seems that we used this culture and later others when its convenient to us. Then when a new threat or new ideal comes around we "dispose" of the culture and take on a new one.

Which brings me back to a topic that was brought up before in discussion, its concept being something that I agree with. However unfortunate it is that we use these cultures, its interesting to think about if we hadn't used them, where would we be today? And again it is horrible that we as Americans have done these things to others, it is really thanks to these cultures that we are where we are today. The real trick is now that we know what has happened and our trends are we as Americans going to break this cycle or like before continue to use others and dispose of them at will?

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