Friday, February 20, 2009

I was somewhat unsurprised that this cartoon existed. Produced during a time of great racism, I was not surprised to see a cartoon which fortifies such prejudices become so popularized. On the surface, this may seem like a funny, harmless cartoon; however, a look at the details may reveal something deeper and more serious. A quick read of the background information reveals that the creators were two white men. This parallels with minstrelsy/blackface. In blackface, certain features of African Americans were exaggerated such as the lips and eyes. This is apparent in the cartoon. Its purpose seems to have the effect of rendering an entire races' appearance as comedic and something that is not to be taken seriously. Also, in comparison to the lecture given about cartoons the other day, it illustrates particular sentiments about African Americans such as laziness (shown when Amos finds Andy sitting asleep at his desk) and unintelligence (shown by some quotes from the cartoon like "weak in the head"). This cartoon, born out of an era of racism, serves to fortify prejudices felt during the time.

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